Ballet Barre Pilates
Ballet Barre Pilates workout videos increase your upper and lower body strength with low impact, highly-targeted movements—they also are the perfect way to tone your glutes, legs and calves! This at-home ballet barre workout combines the sculpting elements of Pilates, the toning benefits of Barre, and the low impact benefits of Bodyweight exercise.
Enhance your everyday life with improved energy, posture, flexibility and a super sculpted body!
Ballet-Barre-Pilates Preview
What you learn in Ballet Barre Pilates workouts will enhance your everyday life! Posture, flexibility, energy, upper and lower body strength are all greatly improved.
Achieve great results in less than one hour a day. Challenge yourself to 4-5 workouts per week!At-home ballet barre workouts c...
25 Minute Total Body
Barre Lower Body
Barre Upper Body
Calves & Thighs
Cardio Flow
Pilates & Barre Combo
Standing Leg series with Chair