Fitness Methods

  • The Barre Scene

    10 items

    Burn fat, sculpt & tone your body with super-effective Barre workouts at-home! Anytime, Anyplace.
    Combining Ballet-inspired moves with Pilates and Cardio, get all the benefits of a Barre class here!
    Get great results with highly targeted routines for your booty, legs & abs. For all fitness level...

  • Mat Pilates

    17 items

    Sculpt your body, tone and burn fat—all while strengthening your mind-body connection!
    Our top certified and A-list boutique fitness instructors bring you exclusive, highly coveted Mat Pilates classes right into your home. Using your own bodyweight for resistance, Pilates focuses on small, isome...

  • Ballet Barre Pilates

    8 items

    Ballet Barre Pilates workout videos increase your upper and lower body strength with low impact, highly-targeted movements—they also are the perfect way to tone your glutes, legs and calves! This at-home ballet barre workout combines the sculpting elements of Pilates, the toning benefits of Barre...

  • Serious Sculpt

    16 items

    Discover how to sculpt your arms, legs, booty and abs⁠—with highly targeted body-sculpting online workouts. No gym required for these fun and challenging low-impact classes that deliver amazing results!

  • Bodyweight is King

    9 items

    Perfect those side-planks, reverse planks, hip-dips and activate those obliques! Full-body conditioning and killer core strengthening are within reach. Bodyweight exercises only require mind over matter.

  • Stretch & Recovery Workouts

    5 items

    Pre and post workout stretch classes produce a wide range of physical benefits and can have a positive effect on your overall well-being. Looking to improve your fitness performance or decrease muscle soreness? Just want a great stretch?
    These online stretching classes provide a deep and extensiv...

  • Barre Workouts Preview

    Online Barre Classes are highly effective, and customizable to every fitness level!
    Our top-certified instructors have created these at-home barre workouts for your convenience. So create your own at-home studio, get out a sturdy chair and get moving!

    Enjoy all the benefits of Barre workouts, ...

  • Serious Sculpting Secrets Preview

    Strong is the new sexy!
    Work every part of your arms, legs, booty & abs with low-impact core workouts at home. Barre, Mat Pilates, and Bodyweight exercises are fun and challenging body sculpting workouts you can do at home.

    These exercise routines require no equipment — all you need is your ow...

  • Ballet-Barre-Pilates Preview

    What you learn in Ballet Barre Pilates workouts will enhance your everyday life! Posture, flexibility, energy, upper and lower body strength are all greatly improved.
    Achieve great results in less than one hour a day. Challenge yourself to 4-5 workouts per week!

    At-home ballet barre workouts c...

  • Full-Body Workouts Preview

    Get Results Fast!
    At-home workouts: the most convenient way to stay in shape or get in great shape on your own schedule!
    BodyselfieTV makes it easy to cut out the expensive studio classes, gym and equipment, providing access to the latest boutique fitness trends you’ve been wanting to try!

    Our ...

  • Mat Pilates Preview

    Mat Pilates gives you all the amazing benefits of Pilates without the machines!
    You’ll sculpt your body, tone and burn fat—all while strengthening your mind-body connection. It’s a win-win for your wellness.

    At BodyselfieTV, we aim to bring out your Pilates Passionista with everything you need t...

  • Stretch & Recovery Preview

    Strong is the new sexy, but pre and post workout stretching routines are the cherry on top of your fitness routine.
    Unwind and stretch yourself into a relaxed state of mind. Take care of your body with online stretching classes! There are many great reasons to take a stretch class, but no matter...